Here's a greatly simplified explanation of the mechanism of action for how red meats cause Diabetes Mellitus Type 2: saturated fats in red meat block the lock (they "gum up" the works). Insulin is the key that unlocks the lock. The lock is on our muscle cells; our muscles need sugar for energy. When the lock is blocked by fats, the key cannot turn and so the sugars stay in the bloodstream instead of getting to the muscle. (Diabetics typically are fatigued and this is why.) The sugars that should have gone into muscle cells instead stay in the bloodstream where they are carried to all parts of the body where in the tiny capillaries of our eyes they cause blindness. (Diabetes is one of the leading causes of blindness in the U.S.) And in the tiny capillaries of our feet and legs, sugar molecules disrupt circulation. (Diabetes is the leading cause of lower limb amputations in the U.S. ) The Big Take Away: Avoid foods of any kind, even plants, that contain saturated fat. Coconut oil is huge in the plant-based world and is loaded with saturated fat. Judith, Registered Pharmacist

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Thank you, Judy, good information!

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Hi Michael, The above information should have included oils along with animal fats. Oils are from plants and these also clog the lock. Even extra, extra, extra virgin olive oil!

The healthiest way to eat according to the latest research, which by the way our medical doctors to a large extent do not know because medical schools do not teach it yet, is "WFPB no SOS", Whole Foods Plant Based, No Salt, Oils or Sugars. Just think of the U.S. healthcare dollars we could save if everyone knew this. Thank you for spreading the message.

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My wife and I follow this channel. He's all about no oils and no gluten. Does a nice job: https://youtu.be/lDuy_NqW_mQ

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Absolute madness. You have no idea what insulin resistance is.

"Registered pharmacist" - oh so your livelihood depends medicating away a dietary problem?

Don't you dare look at Sten Ekberg or Jason Fung.

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Cancer thrives on sugar. But yes - continue to promote the ridiculous notion that iron in red meat is the cause!

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