To add to all of that, animal studies are often pointless for human health.
Animals and humans are so different—rats, for example, require ten times more protein than humans. This is actually the reason many people mistakenly believe you can't get enough protein on a plant-based diet—stemming from a study done over 100 years ago!
Much of the flawed health "common knowledge" we have comes from these misleading animal studies, which distort scientific data rather than contribute to it. Humans aren't mice, rats, rabbits, pigs, or other animals, so we shouldn't apply their physiology to ours. Sure, if we want to know the best diet for obese rats, then animal studies are the way to go!
To add to all of that, animal studies are often pointless for human health.
Animals and humans are so different—rats, for example, require ten times more protein than humans. This is actually the reason many people mistakenly believe you can't get enough protein on a plant-based diet—stemming from a study done over 100 years ago!
Much of the flawed health "common knowledge" we have comes from these misleading animal studies, which distort scientific data rather than contribute to it. Humans aren't mice, rats, rabbits, pigs, or other animals, so we shouldn't apply their physiology to ours. Sure, if we want to know the best diet for obese rats, then animal studies are the way to go!